what advice can you give to people in the recession at the moment?

“What can you advise people who have lost businesses in the recession?or what advice can you give to people in the recession at the moment?:”- Tim Lovejoy

Peter Jones, Dragon’s Den:

“Its really difficult, but when the last recession happened, we didn’t have the internet.

The Internet is a great resource to sell any product and you can almost buy and sell products without owning them.

So, start A business, think about it online and START AGAIN, but most important thing is, DON’T GIVE UP. DON’T GIVE UP and learn from your experience.”

Something for the weekend, BBC2, Sunday October 30, 2011

Funny this, I am about to launch my business on the Internet!
I lost a business in the recession.
My website will buy and sell products without owning them!
I have started again!
I never gave up.
I shall persist until I succeed!
I have learnt, very expensive lessons, from my experience.
My website is http://teamireland.acnshop.eu/default.asp?CO_LA=IE_EN
Would you like one?


“DON’T PANIC”- a hitchhikers guide to life!

The 80s TC show of this name featured an electronic book with the words:


emblazoned across the front.

I met a good friend this morning for coffee, his brother died recently and I played football with them both. He told me a story about his brother, last summer, terminally ill,playing Golf with a friend of his who had a jellyfish sting.

Anyway, the friend asked him, knowing you are going to die, if you had your time over again and knowing you were going to die, what would you do different:

“I wouldn’t stress so much!”

There you have it, we can read this and think of all sorts of things, but here was a guy, with a gun against his head and this was his answer.

May God have mercy on his soul, a lovely guy, great sportsman and I thank him for this insight, I will use it to good effect, for myself and for the others I coach. RIP Eddie.


Robert Moloney


“DON’T PANIC”- a hitchhikers guide to life!

The 80s TC show of this name featured an electronic book with the words:


emblazoned across the front.

I met a good friend this morning for coffee, his brother died recently and I played football with them both. He told me a story about his brother, last summer, terminally ill,playing Golf with a friend of his who had a jellyfish sting.

Anyway, the friend asked him, knowing you are going to die, if you had your time over again and knowing you were going to die, what would you do different:

“I wouldn’t stress so much!”

There you have it, we can read this and think of all sorts of things, but here was a guy, with a gun against his head and this was his answer.

May God have mercy on his soul, a lovely guy, great sportsman and I thank him for this insight, I will use it to good effect, for myself and for the others I coach. RIP Eddie.


Robert Moloney


“Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish”

I think this Steve Jobs speech to Stanford University in 2005 will become a document in schools in time:

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.


I have decided to stay foolish,
I have decided to listen to the inner voice,
I know I have something between the coaching and the business, that can deliver
what I want in terms of time and money and that can
change the lives of the people I deal with,
now I am going to listen to the inner voice which has told me that
I am going to die,
what have I got to lose, why am I worried about losing face?
I have something, if you don’t want it badly enough, then NEXT,
but along the way,
I can change your life,
I have changed mine.
It has not been pretty, but I can see the exit from “the dump”,
I am on the way, join me!





“Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish”

I think this Steve Jobs speech to Stanford University in 2005 will become a document in schools in time:

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.


I have decided to stay foolish,
I have decided to listen to the inner voice,
I know I have something between the coaching and the business, that can deliver
what I want in terms of time and money and that can
change the lives of the people I deal with,
now I am going to listen to the inner voice which has told me that
I am going to die,
what have I got to lose, why am I worried about losing face?
I have something, if you don’t want it badly enough, then NEXT,
but along the way,
I can change your life,
I have changed mine.
It has not been pretty, but I can see the exit from “the dump”,
I am on the way, join me!



