Start Your Own Business, NOW!

How to be Happy

My cousin, who knows these things, recently told me that this is the most searched for topic in Ireland: “How to be Happy”.

Then I got sent a link to Earl Nightingale’s “The Strangest Secret, How to live the life you desire”

Early on, he points out that, of 100 men, all eager, with a sparkle and the ability, all believed that they would be successful by 65.

He says that 55 will be broke, 5 working, 4 Financially Independent, and One, yes just 1, will be rich.

I no longer need to be rich, but I do desire financial Independence.  So if I carry on as I am, I am going to need to be in the top 5% of working people.  Hmmm.  That has not worked for me so far.

But I do desire to be “Happy” and I remember getting in trouble in school for saying this in answer to the question, “what do you want to be when you grow up?”

Clearing out my Mother’s house after her death two years ago, I found it, the school copy book where I wrote this:


Happiness Defined thirty years ago

So if success is happiness or happiness is success, Earl defined it as “The progressive realisation of a worthy ideal”.  Working towards something worthwhile.

That is what we are about, and we have a proven system to improve the odds.  Yes, the top earners will be in the top 5% of earners, in this business and in life.  But working openly with them is going to help, you will work for yourself, but not by yourself!  People, Process and Technology to help you and me.

What other business can you be more successful than the person who hires you?  Well you can try, but politics not production usually take over.

Where else could you

  • achieve financially
  • help others
  • have a ball
  • and have the tools to do it?

Talk to me.

How to go from Employee to Entrepreneur

How to go from Employee to Entrepreneur
New Bi-Monthly Free Newsletter from George Zalucki
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How To Go From Employee to Entrepreneur! March 2012
Dear Robert,

In the last article, we discussed the condition of most people who work a job i.e., the “employee”. So lets review and move on.

The “employee” gets a weekly paycheck and all too often a mental and emotional addiction to the implied, but certainly not guaranteed, financial security offered by the job. The “job” defines its demands and basically eliminates the uncertainty and risk the entrepreneur must face in order to succeed. There is nothing wrong with this approach if it is satisfying to the individual. In fact, statistics will verify that most people take this path for their means of acquiring money because betting on themselves is simply too frightening and risky.
However, every choice has a consequence. So, I ask you, “When is the last time you met a wealthy or financially free person who has worked for someone else?” If financial freedom is a person’s goal in life it is almost 100% certain that they will need to become involved in their own business. If you want to be numbered among the financial elite you will need to think, act and believe like the financial elite. They think possibilities, not limitations! They accept risk as an important component of success! They set specific performance goals and they don’t know the word, “Quit”!
So, if you want financial freedom, the question and the conclusion are painfully obvious. Is personal change really an option, or is it unmistakably critical? As the great American heavyweight boxing champion, Joe Louis said, “You can run but you can’t hide!” Its the same with life changing insights — you can reject them, but you can never get away from the effects of rejecting them. Remember, in life we harvest what we plant….. and all planting begins with “thoughts.” Therefore, you must put new thinking into your head before you can expect to get new or different results in your life. This, my friends, is an undeniable law of change. We can elect to run, but the effects of our actions or neglect will always be manifest in our lives.
As I’ve often said from the platform, “Universal laws don’t give a damn if you or I ever learn them, accept them, or reject them.” No, they simply run the game we call life. Wise men know and accept this truth while the unwise persist in their self imposed delusions where dead dreams abound and mediocrity at best is their companion through life. I have found after 50 years of working in the field of motivational psychology and personal development that the “anticipation” of what change will demand is the biggest deterrent to getting started.
You see, most people do not lack the ability to succeed. What they lack is the willingness to change and endure what is required of them to justify success. I’m convinced that many more people would succeed if they would simply jump in the pool of opportunity with the inner confidence that they will eventually learn how to swim to success if they stay in the pool long enough and keep stroking. It will never be as tough as our miss -managed imaginations predict it will be. So, step out! Step it up! And, stay the course till you win!
I’ll close with this quote. Philosopher, Aldous Huxley said it best. “Most ignorance is vincible ignorance. We don’t know because we don’t want to know!” …to be continued on Monday, March 26th.

To your success,

George Zalucki Signature

Quote of the Day


Begin forwarded message:

“Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinions of others, for those voices. Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the truth.”